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About We Can Track

We Can Track is a software solution that offers tools to help publishers in their everyday business activities so they can focus on their cash cows in order to avoid negative returns on investments.

Some key factors of We Can Track are as follows:

1) Automation: The We Can Track system saves countless hours by automating your tracking setup. It automatically locates your affiliate link (whether they are cloaked or not), places sub-ids with unique click IDs and tracks them when clicked. This saves a lot of time and no human errors with setting up tracking.

2) Simplicity: There is no need to study any manuals or documentation.

3) Integration: Integrating your conversion data in tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads, Data Studio, Zapier and more- is the most powerful feature We Can Track has to offer. It will allow you to manage your campaigns with the tools you are using. You can even automate the bid adjustments based on these platforms’ advanced machine learning systems. Next to that you can also use their API or Webhooks to integrate your data in your applications.

4) Funnel Analysis: Funnel Analysis possible and complete (anonymous) user profiles available!

5) Al optimisation: Having your conversion data in your marketing tools will allow you to make use of the platforms’ Machine Learning, which will help you to increase ROAS by automating your bid adjustments and budget allocations. Moreover, these platforms can automatically create lookalike audiences which will help you to reach new users who are likely to convert.

We Can Track is generally much cheaper than the average tracking platforms. Check them out here, and pay only 10 months when going for a yearly subscription!

We Can Track and Refersion

Refersion has publicly listed affiliate programs through Refersion Marketplace and also private programs. For the We Can Track integration, all of your programs will be funneled inside a Refersion Marketplace account under one email address.

In order for this integration to be connected, please make sure the same email address is used for all of your affiliate programs as well as on your Refersion Marketplace account (if you don't have a Refersion Marketplace account, you can register here). After this step, all of your Refersion Programs will appear inside your Refersion Marketplace account between 24-48 hours."

Once you're logged into your Marketplace account, click Edit Your Profile and scroll all the way down. This is where you can generate the new API token.