About SwiftERM

Imagine knowing in advance what each of your consumers will buy next. This is predictive personalisation software for ecommerce marketing. SwiftERM, is a SaaS plugin (api), you download to your platform, which does just that. Using a predictive analytics algorithm it calculates which products are most likely to be bought next by each individual consumer, perpetually updating throughout their lifetime. Perfect for start-ups needing something to carry the early load right up to the big corporates, to satiate shareholder’s demands for ever greater revenue.

Analysing impressions and buying history, it ranks all your SKUs in order of greatest buying propensity for each consumer. However, unlike software that simply tailors a landing page, which needs your consumer to come to you instead of a competitor, SwiftERM – running alongside your ESP, sends emails offering that individual’s own unique personal product selection. It creates new revenues and builds loyalty.